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Gorillas on the Line

Gorillas on the Line

Answer the Call!

Cell phones and other small electronic devices contain a mineral called COLTAN that is mined in Africa, home to critically endangered gorillas.

You can help protect gorillas by recycling these devices! Bring your old phones to the Membership Booth or the Gorilla Research Station on your next Zoo visit.


Create your own GOTL campaign by registering your group or organization. Get started with 3 easy steps:

  1. Answer the Call!
    Follow the link below to register your organization or group. A Dallas Zoo coordinator will follow up with contest details and tools to help with your campaign. Register before January 31 in order to be eligible to win a prize!
  2. Recycle those phones!
    Gather your team and collect as many phones for recycling as possible. Drop your phones off at the Zoo by April 26, OR ship your phones directly to Eco-Cell by April 30 using a prepaid shipping label. Eco-cell will process the phones and tabulate the totals. Contest winners are announced in June.
  3. Save gorillas!
    Gorillas are on the line. Join us in answering the call, and help save gorillas in the wild.

Register now


What devices can I recycle? 

Our recycling partner, Eco-cell, accepts cell phones, smart phones, iPads, iPods, tablets, Apple watches, adapters, chargers, mp3 players, handheld gaming systems and their accessories for recycling. 

What condition do my devices have to be in to be accepted for recycling? 

Devices can be in any condition. From the big, heavy phones to ones with a cracked screen that no longer work, we’ll recycle them all! 

I have an old laptop that no longer works, can I recycle that as part of the Gorillas on the Line campaign? 

Large electronic devices such as desktop computers, monitors, laptops, game consoles, televisions, and calculators are NOT accepted for the Gorillas on the Line campaign. However, these electronics also contain coltan, and we highly recommend you recycle them properly. Many electronic stores like Apple, Best Buy, and Staples, are often able to accept them for recycling. Call your local store to find out more. 

What should I do with my devices before recycling them? 

Before recycling your devices, we suggest backing up your devices and saving any data you might want to keep (contacts, photos, etc.), resetting the device to factory settings, and removing the case and/or screen protector. 

I don’t have a group to sign up to participate, but I do have some old cell phones that I would like to recycle. Do I have to register as a participant in order to recycle my devices? 

No, you do not have to register as an official Gorillas on the Line participant to recycle your old devices! The Dallas Zoo accepts devices for recycling all year round! On your next visit, you can drop your devices off at the Membership Booth or the Gorilla Research Station. 

Is there a deadline to sign up for the campaign? 

All groups must sign up by January 31st in order to participate in the official Gorillas on the Line campaign that runs February 1 – April 30 and be eligible to win a prize. However, the Dallas Zoo accepts devices for recycling all year round. 

How do I win a prize? 

All groups registered to participate in the official Gorillas on the Line campaign will be automatically entered to win a prize. The top two groups who have collected the most devices for recycling by the end of the campaign will win a prize. 

Do I have to be signed up to win a prize? 

Yes, your group must be registered to participate in the official Gorillas on the Line campaign by January 31st in order to be eligible to win a prize. The top two groups who have collected the most devices for recycling by the end of the campaign will win a prize. 

How do I get the phones my group has collected to the Zoo?

You can arrange a drop-off date with your Dallas Zoo coordinator or ship them directly to Eco-Cell using a prepaid shipping label. Eco-cell will process the phones and tabulate the totals. Contest winners will be announced in June. 

How do I sign up my group or organization?

It’s easy! Simply click the link above and fill out the form. A Dallas Zoo coordinator will follow up with contest details and tools to help with the campaign. Register before January 31 in order to be eligible to win a prize!

Still have questions? Email us at